Silvia Castro Betancourt - Online Marketplaces Mon, 30 Mar 2020 01:00:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Silvia Castro Betancourt - Online Marketplaces 32 32 10 Startups Proptech a tener en cuenta en LATAM Mon, 30 Mar 2020 01:00:00 +0000 Comprar y alquilar una propiedad en América Latina puede ser mucho más difícil que en otros lugares y si eres extranjero puede ser desalentador.

Y es precisamente debido a estas ineficiencias que América Latina se convierte en un terreno fértil para las nuevas empresas que combinan "propiedad" y "tecnología" y están ganando terreno en la región.

Deloitte realiza anualmente una encuesta de 500 inversores institucionales en todo el mundo interesados ​​en invertir en bienes raíces. Según la información recopilada por Deloitte, el 97% de los inversores encuestados considera que PropTech tendrá un impacto de moderado a significativo en la industria inmobiliaria. Hasta el punto que el 16% de los fondos invertirá directamente en el desarrollo de PropTech.

Hay dos maneras diferentes de cómo estos fondos van a invertir en PropTech: una es invertir directamente, la otra es desarrollar internamente la aplicación o tecnología y / o hacer alianzas con empresas de tecnología financiera.


La empresa constructora Conconcreto y el fondo inmobiliario Pactia mostraron el alcance de su modelo de negocio para la construcción, operación y gestión de activos inmobiliarios, en el que la innovación tecnológica ha sido la clave de la transformación.

En el modelo desarrollado por Conconcreto y Pactia, utilizan las siguientes tecnologías en varias fases del negocio: BIM, impresión 3D, Big Data, Machine Learning, drones, IoT, realidad virtual, BMS, Liquid Galaxy.

Hoy, Pactia es el fondo inmobiliario más grande de Colombia, con socios tan importantes como los grupos Argos y Protección.

“Cuando ves todas estas transformaciones digitales, es común sentir mucha ansiedad, pensar que el tren nos está dejando. Lo importante es subir al tren en algún momento, en un mes, en tres meses o en seis. Las empresas deben estar dispuestas y disponibles para invertir tiempo y dinero en digitalización. Esas decisiones pueden tomar seis meses, lo que no pueden tomar es cinco años, porque en ese tiempo el mundo será otro ”, finalizó José Mario Aristizábal. Conconcreto CEO


Flat (México)

Flat es una plataforma compra/venta de viviendas en México. Lo cual no suena muy diferente de otros similares. La gran diferencia es la tecnología y los datos que Flat usa para comprar a un precio justo, rápida y fácilmente.

El modelo de negocio radica en la compra, venta e intercambio de casas de segunda mano en la capital mexicana y ofrece mayor liquidez en el mercado a través de un menor tiempo de adquisición.

El proyecto comenzó con una ronda de inversión de 4,6 millones de dólares para el desarrollo inicial de su negocio liderado por ALLVP y que incluyó fondos como Next Billion Ventures, Picus Capital o Liquid2 Ventures.

LOFT (Brasil)

Fundada en agosto de 2018, Loft comenzó a operar en São Paulo, en dieciséis vecindarios de la ciudad.

Loft es un iBuyer. Aunque Opendoor, fue su referencia en el modelo de negocio, hoy Loft es un grupo de especialistas inmobiliarios, financieros y programadores brasileños le dan una visión más integral, de acuerdo con las realidades de su mercado.

Este proptech ofrece una plataforma que facilita el ciclo de vida de bienes raíces para todos los involucrados. Los propietarios pueden vender su casa de forma rápida y transparente. Mientras tanto, los compradores se benefician de los espacios habitables. Río de Janeiro y en otras tres ciudades brasileñas tienen puesta la mira para 2020.

Su expansión no se limita a Brasil, Loft también busca dejar su huella en la Ciudad de México a mediados de 2020. Para ese propósito, Loft contrató a Juan Pablo Ramos de Uber Eats en América Latina.

HOMIE (México)

Este proptech busca facilitar el alquiler de apartamentos tanto para propietarios como para inquilinos.Quienes deben enfrentar muchos obstáculos, incluida la obligación de tener una garantía, para obtener una propiedad libre de un depósito de seguridad, un historial crediticio saludable. Además, deben poseer una tarjeta de débito o crédito.

Homie actuará como agente de cobranza para garantizar el pago al propietario. Si el nuevo inquilino no paga el alquiler directamente, Homie se asegura de que el arrendador sea pagado de todos modos.

La proptech cerró más de $ 7 millones en diciembre del año pasado. Sumando los $ 1.3 millones en octubre de 2018, ya ha recaudado más de $ 8.3 millones desde que fue fundada en 2015 por Jordi Greenham.


PADS (Colombia)

Comprar, alquilar o vender propiedades es posible con PADS. Los agentes o corredores de bienes raíces tienen la libertad de trabajar de forma remota a través de la plataforma, cargando listas de propiedades a su gusto a través de la aplicación. El diseño entrelazado con la tecnología ofrece una experiencia de usuario única.

Nicolás Delfino es socio de Pads, una empresa que nació como agente de bienes raíces hace algún tiempo, pero que hoy se ha convertido en una plataforma para corredores, enfocada en hacer que la tarea del agente sea más eficiente.

“Vine a Colombia y experimenté el dolor del cliente que quiere comprar, que quiere arrendar, y ningún corredor interpretó bien lo que necesitaba. Pads nace con el valor agregado de servir al usuario.”


Grupo ZAP (Brasil)

La compañía en sí nació como el subproducto de múltiples firmas, especialmente portales inmobiliarios, fusionándose y / o siendo adquiridos para convertirse en Grupo ZAP.

Un ejemplo es dataZAP, una herramienta de inteligencia para la toma de decisiones en bienes raíces. Pero, por encima de todo, se convirtió en un gigante en el alojamiento de más de 8 millones de propiedades.

Si bien es discutible si GrupoZAP es una startup, sin duda en el poder de la base de datos es un serio contendiente. Y los números no mienten.

Según un comunicado de prensa, en 2018 tuvo ingresos netos por R $ 217 millones y un promedio de 28 millones de visitas por mes en 2019.


GoGetIt (Panamá)

Este portal virtual de bienes raíces combina las redes sociales y los listados de bienes raíces en una red simplificada en Panamá. Por un lado, los "corredores" usan la plataforma CMS (Content Management System) para vender o alquilar propiedades a través de la aplicación. Los usuarios pueden dejar comentarios sobre estos listados, que en el proceso proporciona un sistema de referencia para proveedores.

Por el contrario, los inquilinos o compradores de vivienda usan GoGetIt para encontrar algunas de las propiedades más elegantes de Panamá. 

Según su sitio web, el algoritmo puede generar estadísticas del precio promedio por metro cuadrado de las propiedades.


Lugaren (Argentina)

Es un proptech transaccional, cuya plataforma busca hacer que las ventas de bienes raíces sean más rápidas y, con ello, ayuda al mercado a ser más eficiente.

Vender una propiedad puede tomar hasta 12 meses. La oferta de Lugaren es que las propiedades se vendan en 90 días. Para esto, optimizaron aspectos fundamentales como la evaluación correcta de la propiedad y la forma de mostrar la propiedad a través de imágenes en 3D. El modelo incluye la posibilidad de que el interesado haga una oferta por la propiedad y que este monto se convierta en una reserva.


Licifiy (Colombia)

Licify es un mercado especializado en el sector de la construcción, que digitaliza los procesos de compra de empresas constructoras y operadores inmobiliarios, para conectarlos con más de 5,000 proveedores de suministros o servicios.

“Llevamos dos años operando en Colombia. La mayoría de las grandes constructoras ya compran a través de Licify. Nuestro objetivo es digitalizar al 100% el proceso de compra para llegar desde el diseño BIM hasta la entrega final en las obras.

Han estado operando en Colombia por dos años. La mayoría de las grandes constructoras ya compran a través de Licify. Su objetivo es digitalizar al 100% el proceso de compra para llegar desde el diseño BIM hasta la entrega final en las obras.

La manera en que los desarrolladores, contratistas, subcontratistas y proveedores interactúan dentro de la cadena de valor inmobiliaria en evolución se mejora a través de la plataforma basada en la nube de Licify. Con más de 3,800 usuarios registrados, ha optimizado el proceso al crear ahorros y generar ganancias para los socios.


LoQueNecesito (Colombia)

LoQueNecesito, es una solución efectiva para soluciones a corto plazo bajo demanda, ahorrando tiempo y dinero. Según su sitio web, el proptech tiene más de 12,000 clientes y más de 40,000 propiedades disponibles para la compra.

“Hemos generado ahorros de hasta casi 7.5% para nuestros clientes actuales, en US $ 189.627.200,00 en transacciones en estos dos años. Nuestro objetivo es generar hasta un 18% de ahorro ahora con una mayor implementación de BIM. " LQN

Llamados a sí mismos como una fábrica de compradores de vivienda, ofrecen las mejores alternativas de financiamiento con ocho bancos y la mejor vivienda según su perfil. El comprador no sabe qué banco puede prestarle de acuerdo con su perfil. 

LQN hace un mapa de clientes con la intención de comprar y aprobar crédito, que llevan a los constructores o propietarios para que puedan materializar la venta ”.


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Portugal joins the measures taken by Italy, France and Spain when it comes to mortgage Wed, 18 Mar 2020 20:00:00 +0000 The Government of Portugal has recently approved a package of measures to help SMEs and the self-employed especially vulnerable to liquidity crisis situations and has confirmed that it is preparing a mortgage moratorium.

As published by idealista / news Portugal, some 600 million euros of this liquidity line will go to the restaurant and hospitality sector, while the tourism sector, which includes travel agencies, entertainment and events organization, will receive 200 million euros.

The tourist developments, meanwhile, will have a support of 900 million euros, and the industry (textiles, footwear and extractive industries) will receive another 1,300 million euros.

Most of those amounts will be available to micro and small businesses.

This liquidity support will be available to Portuguese companies in the coming days, and includes a grace period until the end of the year and the possibility of repaying the loan in a term of up to four years.

On the other hand, the Government led by Antonio Costa has decided to make the payment of taxes and social contributions to companies and the self-employed more flexible. In the case of companies that bill up to 10 million euros, the payment of taxes can be made in different installments (the first three months without interest), while companies with a maximum of 50 employees on staff can postpone part payment of social contributions from April. Some measures that the self-employed who see their activity reduced by at least 20% due to the impact of the Coronavirus will also benefit. And the average billing in the three months prior to the period for which the tax flexibility is requested will be taken into account.

There will be a moratorium on mortgages

As Spain and Italy have already done, Portugal prepares a moratorium on mortgage payments. The Portuguese Finance Manager, according to idealista / news Portugal, said: 

"The decisions of the banking authorities, last week, allow the responsibilities of the banking system to adjust to the current situation. The work of constituting a moratorium on capital and mortgage interest, in a job that is being developing between the Banco de Portugal (BdP) and the banking system (Associação Portuguesa de Bancos -APB-) and which is being monitored by the Government."

Details of the measure are expected to be known by the end of the month, although everything indicates that they will be reserved for vulnerable people. In Spain and Italy, for example, it will only benefit workers who have lost their jobs or the self-employed who have seen their income drastically reduced by the extraordinary measures that have been taken to deal with the virus. Some banks such as BPI and Novo Banco would already be working on the implementation of their own mechanism that allows these temporary defaults on mortgages. 

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The Coronavirus effect: Consumers migrate from Airbnb to Idealista Tue, 17 Mar 2020 20:00:00 +0000 Homes used for vacation rentals return to the traditional rental market in the face of the coronavirus crisis.

On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus outbreak, known as COVID-19, a global pandemic.

In Spain, the state of alarm decreed by the Government to stop the spread of the coronavirus and the closure of borders, has forced many homeowners to abandon the business of tourist apartments. Fear and citizen commitment forces to stay at home except in cases of force majeure, the reduction of rail, maritime and air transport and the closure of borders of the European Union, has caused the demand for flats through platforms such as Airbnb to have reduced to practically zero.

The company announced its measures by joining other companies in the sector such as Room Mate Group and Destinia, it has launched a special cancellation and information policy for the coronavirus to also protect its guests and hosts. Reservations for accommodation and experiences on Airbnb made until March 14, 2020, with arrival between that date and April 14, 2020, can be canceled before arrival using this policy.

Travelers who cancel will receive a full refund and hosts can cancel free of charge and without affecting their Superhost status. Airbnb will reimburse all service fees for qualifying cancellations.

The host's cancellation policy will apply as usual to reservations made after March 14, 2020 and to reservations made up to that same date and arriving after April 14, 2020.

At an economic level, the tourism sector suffers first hand the effects of the epidemic, the times are not very optimistic, homeowners in the face of this panorama have put their homes for traditional rent, an increase registered by the idealista portal, in the last 24 hours 434 new homes have been registered, this increase has been noticeable since last week, reaching 2,250 available homes.

The crises bring chaos and opportunities. The real estate market will undoubtedly undergo a transformation that is still taking shape, but the vacation rental sector already gives us some clues.


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Spain announces economic strategy for the mortgage payments situation Mon, 16 Mar 2020 20:00:00 +0000 Spain’s Council of Ministry was recently held, where a moratorium of one month extendable in the payment of mortgages for the habitual residence was approved for those whose income is reduced or are unemployed due to the crisis caused by the Covid-19.

For the time being, the moratorium will not extend to rentals.

France and Italy, in recent days, have also deferred the payment of mortgage loans until the end of the health crisis.

Almost 20% of GDP, 200,000 million euros, is specified in a royal decree of 45 pages, according to one of the latest versions, to prevent the destruction of the productive fabric and activate social protection measures for the most disadvantaged groups. The decree also includes a ban on cutting basic supplies (like water, electricity and gas) to vulnerable groups. 

The Cabinet has also debated whether to extend the moratorium on rents, but currently there is no agreement on that point, official sources report.



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Italy faces the Coronavirus on all fronts: Mortgages under protection Wed, 11 Mar 2020 20:00:00 +0000 The Italian Council of Ministers has announced a package of emergency measures amounting to 25,000 million euros and the first batch of that amount (about 12,000 million) is set to be approved.

The council is contemplating, among other things, the temporary suspension of mortgages and some taxes. Therefore, the plan is aimed at both families and companies.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has explained that this multibillion-dollar plan already has the approval of the European Central Bank (ECB) and must be ratified by the transalpine Parliament.

In the case of mortgage loans, Italy plans to approve people with incomes of up to 30,000 euros and who are unemployed for at least 30 days or suffer a significant reduction in working hours during that period do not pay the fees of the mortgage for a period of up to 18 months.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has also announced the implementation of extraordinary measures

Spain has shown a growth in the epidemic, creating a crisis where up to now there are 3,000 confirmed cases, measures to prevent the spread of the virus and economic.

Recently, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has announced that economic resources will be injected into the health system to guarantee its operation.

In this way, 2,800 million euros will be allocated to the communities that are the ones with the Health powers so that they can face the emergency.

A specific financing line of 400 million euros is created for companies and the self-employed in the tourism, transport and hospitality sector, one of those most affected by the pandemic.

The protection of discontinuous permanent workers in the tourism sector will also be expanded, so that the bonuses cover the months of February to June 2020.

At the mortgage level, and despite the fact that at the moment there are no signs of a moratorium on the payment of installments, idealista / mortgages maintain that the effects are already being noticed in the new applications.

"Banks are evaluating a scenario of job loss, so they are being more cautious when evaluating new applications, especially in terms of job stability," says Villén, responsible for idealista / mortgages

At the moment it has not said anything about mortgages as Italy has done, however, deferrals of tax debts with the administration will be granted to SMEs affected by the coronavirus for six months without interest. According to Sánchez, this will allow injecting 14,000 million euros of liquidity into the economy.

The President of the ECB, Christine Lagarde, has assured that the world is facing a crisis like that of 2008 if there is no united and global response.

At the moment, the approval of joint measures is expected from Brussels and from the ECB itself, at its monthly meeting.

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SIMA is postponed but not cancelled Mon, 09 Mar 2020 20:00:00 +0000 The effects of the coronavirus are still being felt and continue to spread, forcing people to avoid congregations, thus, conferences and trade fairs have been affected.

The International Real Estate Exhibition of Madrid (SIMA), which was scheduled between May 7 and 10, is but one of many trade fairs to have been impacted, causing for organizers to postpone the event to November 12 to 15.

Eloy Bohúa, General Director of Planner Exhibitions, said:

"The postponement of SIMA and SIMAPRO is the most responsible option that best preserves the interests of sponsors, exhibitors, partners, collaborators, and visitors."

SIMA joins the measures taken by Mipim, a major real estate fair in Europe, to be held in Cannes on March 10-13, has been postponed to 2-5 June 2020.

Europe is reinforcing its measures to control the virus and its effects, although markets have been sensitive to the consequences, they do not lose confidence in controlling the situation and postponing is the best bet in the current circumstance.


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The unstoppable Carlos Slim buys 5.49% of Metrovacesa's shares Sun, 08 Mar 2020 20:00:00 +0000 Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim continues to focus on the Spanish real estate sector, as evidenced by his latest investments.

Since 2015, Slim controls Realia through Inversora Carso and FCC. He now has his eyes set on Metrovacesa just one month after investing 3.006% in Quabit real estate.

At the beginning of February, Slim's acquisition was announced directly through Inversora Carso. The announcement reported a package of 4.62 million shares of the company, representing 3.046% of its capital. The company posted a 3.74% rise in the stock exchange session, which closed at 9,420 euros per share.

The Mexican billionaire has acquired a package of 3.7 million shares of the developer, equivalent to 2.44% of the share capital and valued at 28 million euros, as recorded in the records of the National Securities Market Commission (Cmnv).

Currently, Slim holds 5.49% of the company's securities, which is equivalent to 8.3 million shares, and ranks as the third largest shareholder of Metrovacesa, only behind Banco Santander, which has 49.3 % of the securities, and Bbva, which has 20.8% of the share capital.

Metrovacesa had, at the end of the third quarter of 2019, 121 promotions in different stages of development that totaled 7,340 homes, 3,388 homes of which were under construction.

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Airbnb, Booking, Expedia Group and Tripadvisor in truce with Europe Sat, 07 Mar 2020 20:00:00 +0000 Airbnb has not abandoned its fight to remain in Europe.

The startup has backed the creation of a European Union (EU) regulator for digital services and, together with Booking, Expedia Group and Tripadvisor, have agreed to share the data on the activity registered in their apartments with the European Commission. It seems that with both decisions the American company wants to offer a truce to the direct confrontation with several European cities, such as Amsterdam, Barcelona, ​​Berlin, Valencia or Paris.

After 22 European municipalities demanded that the EU regularize the activity of tourist rental platforms, the company encouraged the proposal to modify the Electronic Commerce Directive on the inclusion of a new body so that companies, governments and cities benefit.

The implementation of this project would provide both policy makers and web support with the necessary guidance to support the development of sound and effective regulation.

Airbnb Senior Vice President of Global Policy, Chris Lehane, said:

"This historic agreement will help ensure that cities have the information they need to regulate home sharing effectively."  

Different European cities have revealed themselves against vacation rental platforms, especially the city of Barcelona, ​​when in 2017, Ada Colau, current mayor of Barcelona, ​​approved the Special Urban Tourism Accommodation Plan in order to land Airbnb. Consequently, in 2019, the company had to remove 1,000 home listings in Barcelona from its platform.

With this new move and alliance between holiday rental platforms, changes are expected that benefit both cities and startups.

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Facility managers find Proptech helpful in tackling work challenges Wed, 04 Mar 2020 20:00:00 +0000 The real estate sector is in constant transformation thanks to technology, a series of startups are helping change the rules of the game. Proptech facilitates processes, increases competitiveness, and makes for the market to become more dynamic.

Technology enables new professions to form, including that of a facility manager whose job is to streamline all the steps required to manage properties. Also, an updated, improved and expanded version of farm managers with a greater number of occupations and greater responsibilities.

Facility managers are helped by online platforms to search for handymen and professionals for everyday home improvements and maintenance services, including masonry, technical repairs, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, painting or cleaning.

The maintenance and control of properties can be challenging at times, and this is how technology can come into play. Some important points to take into account:

  • Machinery control: Among its functions, it is important to supervise the correct functioning of the air conditioning systems (boilers, chillers), electrical panels, water pumps, elevators, etc.
  • Preventive maintenance: Systematization of reviews to conserve facilities and equipment and reduce the occurrence of possible breakdowns.
  • Deal with suppliers: Hire the products and services necessary to achieve a good organization of the building and ensure its proper maintenance.
  • Coordination of internal and external teams: Direct professionals, belonging to the workforce or subcontractors to efficiently carry out the tasks entrusted.
  • Solution of unforeseen events: The appearance of unexpected problems is frequent in the management of any building. The facility manager must show a high reaction capacity, as well as have at their disposal a complete team of professionals that will allow you to resolve any inconvenience quickly and efficiently.
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List of the biggest Proptech events in 2020 Mon, 02 Mar 2020 20:00:00 +0000 The year 2020 has propteh as the protagonist, bringing together people from the real estate and technology sector at different fairs and conferences in major European cities.

Here is a list of the top proptech conferences happening this year around Europe.

Sima Pro

Considered the most important real estate event in Spain, Sima Pro sees another year of incredible networking, as well as offering conferences and a space dedicated to proptech and how it is projected in real estate.

  • Date: from May 7 to 10.
  • Place: Madrid Fair. North Convention Center. Av. Del Partenón, Nº 5, 28042 Madrid.

Future Proptech

Seeing its fifth consecutive year for this event, Future Proptech puts the entire real estate ecosystem on the table to discuss the technological change of the sector and look forward to the future.

  • Date: May 13 and 14.
  • Place: Magazine, London.


This is the 6th edition of the European BIM Summit that, in 2020, will be based on three main categories: the Building Information Modeling (BIM), or the digitalization of the life cycle of a construction; Lean Management, or production management adjusted; and the Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), or collaborative work methods.

  • Date: May 27, 28 and 29.
  • Place: World Trade Center Barcelona

Zaragoza Fusion Housing

Mandatory appointment for the national sector where the main real estate companies meet to present their current and future projects.

  • Date: from May 21 to 30.
  • Place: Auditorium of Zaragoza.

Barcelona Meeting Point

This year marks the 24th edition of this meeting, aiming to lead the new real estate sector. To do this, industry leaders bet on the latest trends, real estate innovation and international expansion.

  • Date: November 4 to 7.
  • Place: Barcelona Fair.

PropTech Latam

These are 6 meetings in Latin America with the leaders of the real estate world to create business opportunities, network and deepen the collaborative economy and technological innovation applied to the sector.

  • Date: May 18-22.
  • Place: Lima, San José, Santiago, Chile, Bogotá, Mexico City and Buenos Aires.

MIPIM Proptech EU

Paris is hosting this event again, bringing together experts and leading real estate giants. MIPIM Proptech EU is an event where technology is again the protagonist with 1,500+ m2 of space for networking, conferences, exhibition areas and startups.

  • Date: June 30 and July 1.
  • Place: Centquatre - Paris. 5 Rue Curial, 75019 Paris, France


The latest technology and all its applications to Real Estate where energy efficiency has a leading place.

  • Date: July 22 and 23.
  • Place: Costa Rica Convention Center, San José.
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